Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Google China Censorship

Posted by feww on January 23, 2010

Hilary Clinton, Eat Google!

Clinton to China: Do as we say, NOT as we do!

Thought for the Day:

If Google China censorship in China is done to appease the Chinese government, who or what is Google, Inc (the Internet Mafia) appeasing by filtering, blocking and burying certain information posted on Fire-Earth (this Blog)?

Mrs Clinton to Chinese Government:  (Pointing by one hand) What you are asking Google to do is suppression of democracy;  (pointing by the other hand) Google censorship in the US and rest of the ‘free world’
is for our own good. Google is trying to protect our way of life. Image source unknown. Image may be subject to copyright.

See Also:

Google’s Top 10 List of ‘Holy Cows’


News, information and analysis of public value on the blogs listed below are also censored, blocked or buried, by Google, Inc.

Note: The above image incorporates the Google logo, which is a trade mark of that disgraceful corporation. Click image to enlarge!

Related Links:

Google says their motto is “Do No Evil!” yet most of their immoral earnings come from predatory advertising, and their corporate practice is suppression of information!

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7 Responses to “Google China Censorship”

  1. Shaolin Zipzapdauting said

    [Name changed to prevent pro-google intellectual prostitution. Moderator]

  2. […] Google China Censorship […]

  3. […] Google China Censorship […]

  4. […] Google China Censorship […]

  5. […] Google China Censorship […]

  6. […] Google China Censorship […]

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