Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for April 6th, 2011

Hydrogen Building Up at Reactor 1, Fukushima NPP

Posted by feww on April 6, 2011


Will the Scope of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Widen?

Based on the information available, FIRE-EARTH believes there’s a strong probability that the extent of Fukushima nuclear disaster could widen to directly impact large population centers in Japan up to a 250 – 300km radius of the plant, which includes Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

The reactor vessel or sections of its attachments in one or more of the severely damaged reactors at the plant could explode releasing humongous amounts of radiation into the environment [Probability ≥66% as of posting,] dwarfing the Chernobyl disaster by a massive factor.

Hydrogen gas may be accumulating in Reactor 1 at Fukushima NPP: TEPCO

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said it may have to inject nitrogen gas into Reactor 1 at the stricken Fukushima NPP to prevent a possible explosion from hydrogen buildup, NHK reported.

According to another report, TEPCO is preparing to also pump nitrogen into Reactors 2 and 3.

Buildup of hydrogen gas in three of the reactors at Fukushima NPP caused several explosions following the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and tsunami which crippled the plant on March 11.

Injection of nitrogen gas is meant to dilute the amount of oxygen and hydrogen gasses and prevent them from reaching critical concentration levels, 5 and 4 percent respectively, at which an explosion occurs. 

Meanwhile TEPCO announced that it had stopped the flow of highly radioactive water into the ocean from a cracked concrete duct near Reactor No. 2 , using a sodium-silicate compound as a sealant.

Remembering Chernobyl Victims

The sarcophagus covering the damaged fourth reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is seen behind a building decorated with a graffiti in the abandoned city of Prypiat April 4, 2011. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia will mark the 25th anniversary of the nuclear reactor explosion in Chernobyl, the place where the world’s worst civil nuclear accident took place, on April 26. Engineers are still struggling to regain control of damaged reactors at the Fuskushima plant after last month’s earthquake and tsunami, in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986, with the government urging the operator of the plant to act faster to stop radiation spreading. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich. Image may be subject to copyright. Reuters images …

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Severe Thunderstorms Pummel North and Central Georgia

Posted by feww on April 6, 2011

A strong squall line plows across large parts of the peach state

A tornado with 130 MPH winds (EF-2 on the Enhanced Fujita scale) killed one person and injured two others near Eastman in Dodge County around 2:38 AM EDT, NWS said.

“A strong squall line associated with a cold front moved across the peach state late Monday afternoon into early Tuesday morning, resulting in severe storms across north and central Georgia. The system produced strong gusty winds, heavy rain, pea to baseball sized hail and one tornado. These reports were not limited to just north and central Georgia as damage was observed all across the southeast as the squall line plowed across the area.” NWS reported.

Reflectivity from Dodge County Tornado. Source: NWS-WFO.  Click images to enlarge.

[ Velocity from Dodge County Tornado. ]
Velocity from Dodge County Tornado.

“Straight line winds caused tremendous damage across north and central Georgia. Damage reports included structural damage to houses and chicken coops. Downed trees and power lines caused not only power outages, but also caused structural damage to buildings, and in some cases, trapping people inside. In addition, one of the downed trees on a house killed two people in Jackson (Butts County). On top of the thunderstorm wind damage, hail was reported with the largest being baseball sized hail in Gordon County. For a more detailed report of the damage associated with the squall line view the Local Storm Reports.” More …

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