Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

For Many It Will Be Déjà vu All Over Again, and Again!!

Posted by feww on January 30, 2014


Deadly snow storm paralyzes the US deep South

Thousands of people were stranded overnight on highways, in grocery stores, schools and churches as snow storm caused traffic chaos in the US deep South.

Image of the week: How 66mm (2.6in) of Snow Caused Gridlock on Georgia Interstates

gridlock in Georgia
Gridlock on the connector of Interstate’s 75 and 85, Atlanta,  Georgia Tuesday pm, Jan. 28, 2014. Credit: AP. Image may be subject to copyright.

States of Emergency

Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, the Carolinas ,  Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin declared states of emergency as the latest Polar invasion, which stretched across two-thirds of eastern U.S., plunged temperatures to as low as -36ºC (-33 degrees).

The snow storm left at least 10 people dead and dozens injured., affecting an estimated 60 million people from eastern Texas to southeastern Pennsylvania.

Related Links

Energy Emergency

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