Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for January 13th, 2014

Fukushima Radiation Level 8 Times Govt Standard: TEPCO

Posted by feww on January 13, 2014

Radiation Level at Fukushima Rises to 8*mSv/yr: Report



Radiation levels near the boundary of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant have increased to 8 millisievert per year, or eight times the government standard, said Tokyo Electric Power Co. said, Asahi Shimbun quotyed the operator TEPCO as saying.

Following the discovery of leaks from the underground waste storage tanks in April,  TEPCO transferred the radioactive wastewater to hastily built storage tanks near the plant’s southern boundary, company officials said.

TEPCO says the main reason for the dramatic increase in the radiation levels are the X-rays emitted by the radioactive water held in the notorious storage tanks.

However, the background radiation level had already reached 7.8 millisievert per year in May 2013, according to the report.

The No. 1 and No. 2 reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, March 15, 2011. Source:  TEPCO handout.

TEPCO says the X-rays are released when beta rays from radioactive strontium and other substances in the water react with iron and other elements in the storage tank containers.

It’s true that high energy beta particles released from radioactive substances can give off bremsstrahlung x-rays when they decelerate during electromagnetic interactions as they pass through matter; however, most beta particles can be stopped by just  a few millimeter of aluminum.

What is a lethal dose of radiation from a single Exposure?

Studies of the 1945 atomic bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki show that 100 percent of victims whose bodies were exposed to 600,000 millirems (6,000 mSv) died from radiation. About 50 percent of victims who received  450,000 millirems (4,500 mSv) of radiation also died.

(Note: Rem is a unit of ionizing radiation equal to the amount that produces the same damage to humans as one roentgen of high-voltage x-rays.  Source: MIT)

1 rem = 10 mSv
1 Sv = 100 rem
1mSv = 0.1 rem
1mSv = 100 millirems (mrem)

Background Radiation in millirems per year (mrem/yr)

  • Average background radiation (US):  300 (3 mS/yr)
  • Higher altitudes (e.g, Denver): 400 (4 mS/yr)

“Safe Levels” of Radiation (U.S.)

Limits above natural background radiation levels (average 300 millirems per year, or 3 mSv/yr) and medical radiation:

  • Occupation Limit: Maximum of 5,000  (the limit for a worker using radiation)
  • Average Natural Background: 300

[Note: Lifetime cumulative exposure should be limited to a person’s age multiplied by 1,000 millirems, e.g., a 70-year-old person, 70,000 millirems.]


  • Max single dose for an adult: 3,000
  • Annual total dose: 5,000

Under 18

  • Max single dose for a person aged under 18 years: 300 millirems (whole body equivalent)
  • Annual total exposure: 500

Fetal Exposure

  • Maximum limit for fetal exposure during gestation period:  50 millirems per month above background levels


  • Single Chest X-ray (the whole body equivalent): 2 millirem

Air Travel

  • Coast-to-coast US round trip flight: 12 millirems


1. Radiation dose of about 2,000 millisieverts (200,000 millirems) cause serious illness.

2. The average annual radiation dose per person in the U.S. is currently 620 millirem (6.2 mSv), according to EPA. “Half of our average dose comes from natural background sources: cosmic radiation from space, naturally occurring radioactive minerals in the ground and in your body, and from the radioactive gases radon and thoron, which are created when other naturally occurring elements undergo radioactive decay. Another 48 percent of our dose comes from medical diagnostics and treatments.”

Half-life of some radioactive elements

[NOTE: Half-life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.]

  • Cesium-134 ~ 2  years
  • Cesium-137 ~ 30 years
  • Iodine-131 ~ 8 days
  • Plutonium-239 ~ 24,200 years
  • Ruthenium-103 ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.]
  • Ruthenium-106 ~ 374 days
  • Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years  [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found in large amounts in spent nuclear fuel and in radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.]
  • Uranium-234 ~  246,000 years
  • Uranium-235 ~ 703.8  million years
  • Uranium-238  ~ 4.468 billion years

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24 Million People Affected by “Cold Disaster” in Thailand

Posted by feww on January 13, 2014

Mega Disasters

Blog readers will have noticed that the number of people affected by various disasters occurring globally have suddenly jumped from hundreds to hundreds of thousands, and from tens of thousands to tens of millions since November last year!


526 Districts in 44 provinces declared “cold disaster zones”

At least 24 million people, or 36 percent of Thailand’s population, have been affected by cold since December 2, 2013 as authorities declare 526 districts in 44 provinces “cold disaster zones,” the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department reported.

Some 20 of disaster-hit provinces are in the northeast, 17 in the North, six in the Central and one in the East, said Bangkok Post.

Meanwhile, at least 17 districts in four provinces—Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakham, Buri Ram and Sing Buri—have been hit by drought, affecting an estimated 4 million others.

It’s unclear whether the drought-hit areas have also been declared disaster zones.

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Extreme Heat Wave Setting Australia on Fire

Posted by feww on January 13, 2014


Extreme Heat Warnings Issued in Australia

Massive bushfire destroys dozens of homes in the Perth Hills area of Western Australia, killing at least one person.

The fire follows a heatwave in Western Australia over the weekend, with temperatures topping 44ºC (111 degrees) in Perth on Saturday and 48ºC degrees (118 degrees) elsewhere in the state.

bushfire aus jan 2014
Massive bushfire leaves a trail of destruction in WA, destroying at least 44 homes. Source: DFES/WA.

Meanwhile, authorities have warned of severe health consequences as extreme heat begins moving from Western Australia into the country’s southeast.

Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) is warning temperatures will be in the 40s throughout this week.

Western Australia has just ended a scorching week, with temperatures reaching 48ºC degrees (118 degrees).

“That really extreme heat is now moving eastwards and is expected to move into South Australia and north-west Victoria over the next 24 to 48 hours,” he said.

“That really extreme heat is now moving eastwards and is expected to move into South Australia and north-west Victoria over the next 24 to 48 hours,” said BOM.

“Then it will gradually move down across the rest of south-eastern Australia, into southern New South Wales and western New South Wales as the week progresses.

“So really we’re really looking at a fairly extreme heatwave where temperatures are going to reach into the 40s for quite a number of days in a row.”

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