Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for January 17th, 2014

California Governor to Declare Drought Emergency

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014


Water rationing starts in California as Extreme Drought Browns the Golden State

California Governor Brown is expected to declare a State of Emergency, an official drought proclamation, for the scorched state on Friday. He described the drought as being “really serious,” adding that 2014 could be California’s third consecutive dry year. “In many ways it’s a mega-drought.”

  • 2013 was California’s driest year since records began 119 years ago.
  • Many California reservoirs are at their lowest levels in years.
  • The snow cover is less than 20 percent of the normal at this time of year.
  • Lake Shasta, the state’s largest reservoir is holding just over a third of its full capacity,  down from the normal of more than a half at this time of year, according to officials.
  • Sacramento City Council has voted to enact severe water rationing as the region is faced with historically low water levels on the American River with a long-range forecast showing little, if any, rain.

U.S. Drought Monitor

Nearly 63 percent of California is covered by Extreme Drought (D3 drought level), and more than 27 percent of the land by Sever Drought (D2 drought level), with  about 9 percent of the state experiencing Abnormal Dry to Moderate Drought conditions.

The land area covered by Extreme Drought (D3 drought level) has more than doubled since last week from 27.59 percent to 62.71 percent.

california drought map
California Drought Monitor Map.  Source: The U.S. Drought Monitor, The National Drought Mitigation Center.

Crop Disaster Declared due to Drought

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued 45 county-level crop disaster designations in 39 California counties.

The drought disaster areas are Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sierra, Solano, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura and Yolo counties.

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Good Bye and Good Riddance Rupert!

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014

Here’s a eulogy before you go: The world would have been a better place without you!

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Southern Australia Burning in Another Day of Extreme Temperatures

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014


Hundreds ordered to evacuate as  bushfires continue to rage out of control

A massive 45,000-hectare bushfire in Victoria is creating its own weather system, as authorities  declare multiple emergency warnings in the worst hit areas.

A 12-km convection column, known as a pyrocumulonimbus cloud [pyro-cb,] has been creating its own weather above the Grampians fire, including thunderstorms and lightning, said a report.

The American Meteorological Society describes pyro-cb as “a cumulus cloud formed by a rising thermal from a fire, or enhanced by buoyant plume emissions from an industrial combustion process.”

grampians fire with pyro-cb
Image shows a pyro-cb column forming above the Grampians fire. Screen dump from ABC Australia Video clip.

Hundreds of bushfire are burning across Australia including more than 70 in the state of Victoria, which are raging out of control. Dozens more blazes are burring in South Australia, West Australia and at least 45 in New South Wales.

Officials have confirmed that a woman was killed in the Grampians fire at Roses Gap, whilst a number of homes were destroyed in South Australia’s Eden Valley northeast of Adelaide, said a report.

The flames are spreading so fast, they were described as being like “running water” by a helicopter crew monitoring the disaster areas.

Authorities also fear that up to 25 fires currently burning uncontrollably east of Victoria could join to form a mega fire measuring at least 500,000 hectares (1.2 million acres).

More than 1,000 fires across Southern Australia have been sparked by lightning since last week.

Developing story …

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High Fire Danger in Southern California amid Driest Conditions on Record

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014


L.A. Basin blanketed by smoke as Colby fire burns 1,700 acres, destroying homes and forcing mass evacuations

Red Flag Warning is in effect for much of Los Angeles and Ventura counties due to gusty Santa Ana winds and very low humidities, said NWS.

A fast-moving wildfire that started in the hills above Glendora has consumed more than 1,700 acres, destroying  homes, forcing thousands to evacuate, and enveloping much of the Los Angeles Basin in a thick pall of smoke.

The blazed has destroyed at least five homes and damaged 2 dozen outbuildings and other structures, said fire officials. About 600 fire crews have been deployed.

The event is significant because it may herald an unprecedented winter fire season amid the driest conditions ever recorded in the region.

us drought monitor -14jan14
US Drought Monitor Map for January 14, 2014. Released by on January 16, 2014.

Red Flag Warning

High pressure over the Great Basin will continue to generate gusty Santa Ana winds over Los Angeles and Ventura counties. These winds should strengthen some this evening then remain gusty into Friday, before weakening Friday afternoon into Saturday. The strongest winds will occur in the afternoon through evening hours. Peak gusts to around 50 mph are expected in the mountains, with gusts peaking to around 40 mph range in the valleys.  –NWS

The relative humidities would stay between 6 – 8 percent with temperatures forecast to reach 90s.

California Fire Weather Map

calif fire weather map
Source: NWS, via CalFire.

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Fish Die-off in Nevada Lake

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014

100,000 Fish die in Helms Lake, Sparks, NV

As many as 100,000 bass, catfish and trout have died since mid-December in Helms Lake, a man-made 77-acre stocked fishery located in Sparks Marina Park, a popular recreation complex near Reno, Nevada.

State and wildlife officials are baffled as to what caused the unprecedented die-off, revealing that low oxygen levels in the water had killed about 3,000 fish in one area of the reservoir in December.

State biologists say the drop in oxygen levels may have been caused by a recent cold snap stirring low-oxygen waters.

“We’re seeing oxygen levels that are totally lethal to fish,” said Nevada Department of Wildlife spokesperson Chris Healy.

“Fish gain oxygen from water cycling across their gills and suffocate when oxygen concentrations dip below a certain level. Many types of fish struggle or die when oxygen is below 5 parts per million. Sampling of water across the lake has shown so-called dissolved oxygen as low as 1.1 parts per million,” reported Reuters  citing Healy.

Water Quality

However, Sparks Marina says its lake is continuously recharged with fresh, filtered water from an underground aquifer, and that the recharging process, which is similar to an artesian well, produces a water quality that exceeds the EPA standards for recreational use.

Helms Lake, a 77-acre man-made lake in Sparks Marina Park, Sparks, a city located east of Reno, NV, contains an estimated 1 billion gallons of water with a naturally occurring aquifer that replenishes the lake with 2 to 3 million gallons of fresh water daily. The lake has an average depth of 60 feet, with the deepest point being approximately 120 feet. The average temperature in the deepest parts is in the 40’s all year around, while the shallow areas will heat into the 70’s during the hot summer months, according to the park’s website.

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A Little Too Late

Posted by feww on January 17, 2014

… but included for the record

Needed: Three Obama Speeches for the People

by Ralph Nader
January 16, 2014

Dear President Obama:

All the daily decisions and crises you have to confront must not preclude occasional addresses to the country that rise to the level of statesmanship, transcending the hurly-burly of politics and executive branch administration.

There are three areas where the people need the views and vision of their President.

1. A major address on the resources and preconditions necessary for the government to wage peace as a continual policy of statecraft and not just sporadic initiatives between waging war or engaging in other violent conflicts. Consider the enormous disparity of time, power and money allocated to preparing for or waging military assaults with what is devoted to prevention of conflict and other fundamentals of securing the conditions for peace. The tiny U.S. budgets for nuclear, chemical and biological arms control with the Soviet Union and other nations over the years have certainly produced positive returns of incalculable magnitude and importance.

We have military academies but no peace academies. Vast sums are allocated for research and teaching about war and military tactics, but very little for peace studies at our schools and universities. You may wish to meet with former Washington Post columnist, Colman McCarthy, who teaches peace in the Washington D.C. area schools and has written pioneering books and articles that include his compelling arguments for having peace studies adopted in high schools and colleges around the country (see for more information).

2. Earlier in 2009 and again in 2011 I wrote to urge you to address a large gathering, in a convenient Washington venue, for the leaders of nonprofit civic organizations with tens of millions of members throughout the United States. Not receiving a reply, I sent my request to the First Lady, Michelle Obama, whose assistant replied saying you were too busy.

You were, however, not too busy to address many business groups and also to walk over to the oppositional U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Well, it is the second term and such a civic gathering could be scheduled at your convenience. You could use this occasion to make a major speech on the importance and means of advancing the quality and quantity of civic groups and their chapters which, taken together, are major employers. Your advisers could even justify the effort as stimulating a jobs program by urging larger charitable contributions from the trillions of dollars of inert money in the hands of the upper economic classes.

3. Strengthening democratic processes and expanding democratic institutions and participation by the people are cardinal functions of the presidency. Indeed, Harvard Law Professor, Richard Parker in his little, seminal book: Here the People Rule (Harvard University Press, 1998) argues that the constitution authorizes the President “to facilitate the political and civic energies of the people.”

A major address on this topic should be right up your experiential alley from both your early experience in Chicago of observing and confronting the power structures’ many forms of exclusion and mistreatment of the populace and your more recent accommodation to that power structure and its influence over Congress.

As has been said, democracy is not a spectator sport. It requires a motivated citizenry, along with rights, remedies, and mechanisms that facilitate people banding together as candidates, voters, workers, taxpayers, consumers and communities. Concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few who decide for the many is the great destroyer of any society’s democratic functions. It was Justice Louis Brandeis who, memorably, stated that, “We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” And another well-regarded jurist, Judge Learned Hand declared, “If we are to keep our democracy, there must be one commandment: thou shalt not ration justice.”

As “politics” is seen by more people as a dirty word and as the people move from cynicism about political institutions to greater withdrawal from them, including public meetings, primaries, elections and referenda, they need a president who addresses these disabling symptoms of a weakening democratic society from the local to the state to the national levels of our political economy.

Such an address will have positive reverberations beyond the general public. Depending on your scope, recommendations and announcements, it will reach the youth of our country, our high schools, universities, workplaces and professional schools. Why it may even affect the moribund, technical routines of the Harvard Law Review (where you were president in 1990) as well as other law schools, bar associations and lawyers who aspire to higher estimates of their own professional significance (see my remarks “The Majesty of the Law Needs Magisterial Lawyers” before the Connecticut Bar Association June 17, 2013). If law means justice, as it should, then the rule of law needs presidential refurbishing to strengthen the fiber of our democracy.

I hope you will see the merit of these three suggestions. A copy of this letter is being sent to the First Lady, Michelle Obama, whose staff may be responsive in a different manner.

I look forward to your reaction.

Sincerely yours,
Ralph Nader


We would advise Mr Nader, as noble and well-intended as his ideas may be, that you can’t run an empire with peace academies, and urge him to reconsider the impact of contributing and lending legitimacy to super-commercial, predatory “news & views” outlets like the Huffington Post.

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