Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for December 2nd, 2015

Russian military presents “proof” of Turkey’s role in ISIL oil trade

Posted by feww on December 2, 2015

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The “NATO-protected” ISIL targets that coalition airstrikes in Syria avoided for more than 14 months

Media briefing “Russian Federation Armed Forces fighting against international terrorism. New data”

Satellite and aerial images taken on November 14, show 3,722 oil tankers, trucks and trailers waiting to carry oil stolen by ISIL, AlNusra Front and affiliated terrorist groups into Turkey, says the report.

“The fleet of terrorist [vehicles] features up to 8,500 tanker trucks which transport up to 200,000 barrels of oil daily [into Turkey.]”

Hundreds of oil tanker trucks cross the Turkey-Syria border each day, carrying oil stolen by the terrorists to the Batman refinery in Turkey.

Some of the oil, stolen from both Iraq and Turkey, is transported to two of Turkey’s Mediterranean ports and from there exported to other countries.

ISIL rakes in about three million dollars per day from the illegal oil trade, said the report.

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Hundreds Dead, Thousands Displaced in South India amid Weeks of Extreme Rain

Posted by feww on December 2, 2015

‘Endless’ rain in south India kills hundreds, destroys homes and leaves tens of thousands displaced

Weeks of extreme winter monsoon rain, described as the heaviest in living memory, have caused much devastation across south India, leaving tens of thousands of people displaced.

“In November, the heaviest rain in decades, aggravated by Tropical Cyclone ROVAN, brought widespread flooding across the south Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh causing more than 200 deaths and affecting 1.8 million people, said a report.

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3 Children Killed in Yemen Each Day: Save the Children

Posted by feww on December 2, 2015

Yemen has world’s 2nd highest casualties owing to explosive weapons

At least three children are being killed each day in Yemen, many of them due to the use of wide-range explosive weapons in villages, towns and cities, according to international children’s charity, Save the Children.

Children are killed daily in intensive airstrikes, shelling and rocket attacks. More than 1,500 children have been killed or injured since violence escalated in March 2015 according to the UN, with many of the deaths caused by explosive weapons including missiles, large aerial bombs, artillery shells, rockets, mortars, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

Yemen now has the 2nd highest number of casualties in the world owing to explosive weapons.

The breakdown of Yemen’s health system has left more than 14 million people without the basics like antibiotics and vaccines, and risk dying from preventable diseases like diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria, said the UN. Additionally,

  • 21.2 million, or 82% of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance.
  • 14.4 million are food insecure (including 7.6 million severely food insecure).
  • 3 million people now require treatment or preventive services for malnutrition.
  • 2 million are currently acutely malnourished, including 1.3 million children – 320,000 of whom are suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

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Extreme Rain Shuts Down Indian City (Round 2)

Posted by feww on December 2, 2015


No Power, No Transport in Chennai

Extreme rain events in India’s Tamil Nadu state, said to be the heaviest the region has experienced in 50 years, have triggered severe flooding forcing the main airport in southern India to close, cutting off roads and highways, and leaving tens of thousands of people stranded.

Chennai [metro pop: 9 million] is the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It’s located on the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal, and is the largest industrial and commercial hub of southern India. It is the country’s fifth-largest city and fourth most populous metro area, and 36th-largest urban area in the world.

Floods in Tamil Nadu state have killed hundreds of people since last month, when 160 hours of non-stop rain paralyzed the city.

About 20 percent of the population have been affecetd, according to local estimates.

The city’s airport was forced to shut down indefinitely on Tuesday after floodwaters buried the runway, according to local reports.

Floodwaters have also inundated railroad tracks, forcing many cancellations.

Ranked 4th in hosting the largest number of Fortune 500 Indian companies, following Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata, with a nominal economy of about US$60 billion, Chennai has a broad industrial base in the automobile, computer, IT, manufacturing and others sectors.

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