Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for December 6th, 2015

Eruption Continues at Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano

Posted by feww on December 6, 2015

Strombolian eruptions at Volcán de Fuego  

The 3,763 m volcano, dubbed the “Volcano of Fire,”  sits about 10km SW of the colonial city of Antigua (Pop: ~ 50,000), Guatemala’s former capital, and about 50km from Guatemala City. and is one of Central America’s most active volcanoes.

  • Fuego volcano [Volcán de Fuego, or “Volcano of Fire,”] located about 40 km southwest of Guatemalan capital, erupted on February 7-8, prompting the authorities to evacuate a nearby community and forcing the closure of the capital’s international airport.
  • In September 2012, powerful explosions at Fuego ejected smoke and ash about 4km into the air, spewing two lava stream down the volcano flanks, accompanied by thousands of tons of volcanic ash and tephra. Tens of thousands of people from two dozen villages nearest to the volcano were either evacuated, or put on evacuation alert.

Fuego Volcano – Elevation: 3,763m – Location: 14°28’54″N, 90°52’54″W

The camera is located at INSIVUMEH’s Fuego Observatory in Panimache, Chimaltenango, Guatemala about 7 km southwest of the summit of Fuego. The image is updated every minute. Note that all times are UTC (local time plus 6 hrs).

Fuego is a stratovolcano in the Central American volcanic arc that erupts crystal-rich lavas of basalt to basaltic-andesite composition. It has been continuously active since 1999. Typical activity includes dozens of small-scale explosive eruptions each day.

Fuego is monitored by the Instituto Nacional de Sismología, Vulcanología, Meteorología e and Hidrología (INSIVUMEH). In addition to volcano observatories, INSIVUMEH maintains a network of seismograph stations near the active volcanoes. For the latest webicorder plots from INSIVUMEH, click here. The Fuego station is called FG3.

For the latest volcano activity status from INSIVUMEH, click here or here for the google translation to English. [Source:



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Angry Colima Volcano Erupts Again

Posted by feww on December 6, 2015

Impressive column of ash erupts out of Mexico’s Colima volcano

Mexico’s Colima volcano ejected a significant column of ash and volcanic gasses into the air in the latest of a series of intermittent eruptions, that began last year.

The column rose to a height of about 2.5km above the crater, moving north-east, reported Mexico’s civil protection authorities.

In July 2015, Colima volcano was behaving “atypically,” showing signs similar to a major eruption in 1913, said Mexico’s interior ministry.

Located in the south-western Mexican state of Colima, the 3,839-m volcano, aka Volcán de Fuego [“Volcano of Fire,”] is part of the Colima Volcanic Complex (CVC), comprising of Volcán de Colima, Nevado de Colima and the El Cantaro.

Colima is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico. It is also potentially the most hazardous volcano in the country, with more than 300,000 people living within a 40-km radius of the mountain, and a major eruption could affect about half a million people.

The July eruption forced the evacuation of about 800 residents within a 12-km radius of the volcano. The authorities also closed the airport in the state of Colima, due to the large amounts of volcanic ash which fell in the area.

Eruptions have occurred in 1986, 1991, 1998–1999 and continually since 2001, with the most recent events occurring on November 21, 2014, January 10, 21 and 25, and July 10, 2015.

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Storm Desmond Hits UK

Posted by feww on December 6, 2015

“Major incident” is declared in NW England, many residents evacuated

The UK Met Office has issued a Red Warning for rain in NW England, as well as many severe flood warnings meaning “danger to life.”

More than 100 flood warnings and 70 flood alerts were issued for northern England, while about 100 flood warnings and alerts were in place throughout Scotland on Saturday night.

  • Heavy rain and powerful winds: Storm Desmond is battering Ireland, Scotland and northern England.
  • Mass Evacuations: The county of Cumbria in NW England, one of nine official regions of the country, has declared “a major incident” and evacuated scores of people after the River Eden flooded.
  • Multiple train services in the affected regions have been cancelled as severe weather also forces numerous road closures.
  • Up to 225m of rain have fallen in the  affected areas over a 36-hour period.
  • The river Tyne in Northumberland has burst its banks at Corbridge, forcing the entire village to be evacuated.
  • Dozens of flights were cancelled at Dublin airport in Ireland.



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