Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

New Zealand Earthquake UPDATE Feb 24

Posted by feww on February 24, 2011

Christchurch Quake Casualties


UPDATE Posted at 06:30UTC February 24, 2011

NZ police has just released the names of only four of the 98 people confirmed dead in the Christchurch earthquake:

Joseph Tehau Pohio (40); Jaime Robert McDowell Gilbert (22); Jayden Harris (9 months); Baxter Gowland (5 months)

War Zone: Christchurch loses its second battle against nature

The Canterbury Television building in Christchurch, February 24, 2011. Photo credit: AP. Image may be subject to copyright.

In Christchurch Quake: NZ govt Doctoring the Figures, posted earlier today, Te2ataria said:

NZ govt is up to its dirty old tricks again, doctoring the quake fatality figures

Here’s a summary

  • Confirmed dead:  76 souls
  • Missing: Up to 238 people [actual figure may be as high as 500]
  • Seriously injured: 200
  • Total no of injured: up to 3,000
  • Police say 22 more bodies  are inside Christchurch’s Cathedral Square
  • Police said they will release a list of the dead and missing at 4.00pm (our time).
  • Police changed its **** mind saying they will release a list of the dead and missing at 6.00pm
  • The Fat Police Minister said: “We’ve got 76 at the morgue at the moment and more coming through.” [She didn’t say how many more.]

In line with New Zealand government policy of news blackout, two Japanese journalists were arrested last night when they tried to interview earthquake victims  in Christchurch Hospital.

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16 Responses to “New Zealand Earthquake UPDATE Feb 24”

  1. te2ataria said

    Smart Foreign Students Go to … GERMANY

    Smart Foreign Students Go to … GERMANY


  2. diane said

    Two new reports from CCH quake zone:

    An aftershock measuring 4.1 (Richter scale) struck about 5km from Lyttelton (43.58°S, 172.66° ??) at a depth of 8km at 1.18pm today.

    It followed a swarm of smaller shocks in the past few days, with the largest measuring 3.7 and 3.4 earlier this morning, and a 4.3 last night.

    Second report:
    Christchurch earthquake: World out of chemical toilets

    “Christchurch has exhausted the world’s supply of chemical toilets after the devastating February 22 earthquake wreaked havoc on the city’s eastern suburbs.

    “More than 500 people from quake hit suburbs gathered in Richmond this morning, looking for answers.”

    As for the CCH quake fatalities, it seems something unusual IS going on!!

    “The death toll from the quake stands at 166, but is expected to rise above 200.”
    From the above link.

    kind regards,

  3. john said

    A magnitude 4.7 quake shook us up at 2.19am. Our “experts” say it was 30km deep and centred 10km northeast of Upper Hutt.

    “They really have nothing to do with what’s going on in Christchurch, these couple of earthquakes here in Wellington. They’re really nothing unusual,” GNS Science duty seismologist told reporters.

    “It’s not to say that an event like [CCH quake] couldn’t happen in Wellington – in fact one day it will. But these couple of earthquakes that we’ve had in Wellington, they’re not any indication that there’s anything bigger coming for Wellington in the near future.”

    Fact is our own experts have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that they know jack schitt about what’s happening right under their feet.

    I bet they are rehearsing a new excuse for when the next big one hits along the lines of “dormant fault line, we couldn’t have know about.”

    • feww said

      Thanks for update.
      Our advice to YOU and all intelligent people in Wellington area
      1. There’s a frighteningly large buildup of tectonic stress energy right under your feet.
      2. RUN while you’re still alive, before the next exodus bottleneck makes it impossible to flee the danger zone.
      For additional FIRE-EARTH comments on NZ seismic hazards, see also

      New Zealand Earthquake UPDATE Feb 24

  4. Colin F. said

    Amazing photos of “God’s own” earthquake zone!

  5. Dan said

    Im in upper hutt in wellington and felt a small shock at 10.10pm today,
    I feel we really need to get the word out about what so many of us really think about the disasters being “natural”

    • feww said

      Moderators are aware of a M4.7 that occurred at 09:07UTC about 15km NW of Wellington, New Zealand.
      Earthquakes are natural phenomenons (as opposed to sci-fi action you alluded) and as such constitute part of the earth’s natural defense mechanism, among other functions. What you’re witnessing is a planetary response to harms caused by humans.

      In “Christchurch Earthquake and ‘Somali Pirates’” posted on February 27, 2011 FIRE-EARTH issued the following warning:

      [SEISMIC HAZARD WARNING: Areas in and around the Golden Bay, the Tasman Bay, the region north and south of the Cook Strait, the entire northern seaboard of North Island, especially the Hauraki Gulf area, as well as the western and eastern seaboards of the NI are believed to be among NZ’s potential disaster hotpots. FIRE-EARTH]

      Christchurch Earthquake and ‘Somali Pirates’

      In “Christchurch Earthquake UPDATE Feb 26” Posted on February 26, 2011, FIRE-EARTH said:

      [NOTE: Areas in and around the Golden Bay, the Tasman Bay and the region north and south of the Cook Strait are believed to be among NZ’s potential disaster hotpots. FIRE-EARTH]

      In reply to a reader comment, posted on February 25, FIRE-EARTH said:
      “FIRE-EARTH believes that unprecedented cataclysmic geophysical events [seismic, volcanic …] WILL destroy much of New Zealand islands within the next few years.”

      IF you’re interested about saving lives, these are the sort of messages that you really ought to spread, NOT the sci-fi nonsense about “mega weapons.”

      • Dan said

        [The New Zealand quakes fall within FIRE-EARTH forecasts.
        The biggest weapon firing at the planet and consequently threatening humanity with extinction is the exponential growth economy. It’s natural for the proponents of the system to shift the blame to sci-fi superweapons and continue with the plunder. “Top dog scientists” with much more knowledge than those who are spreading the disinformation confirm the megaweapon reference is “bullsh*t.” Moderator]

  6. connie d. said

    5,000 Christchurch residents flee to Timaru

    Up to 5000 Christchurch residents have fled to Timaru in the past week since the devastating earthquake, police say.

    [Local rumours have it at lest 100,000 people have already abandoned the city. CD]

    Christchurch earthquake: National state of emergency extended
    Civil Defence Minister John Carter has extended a national state of emergency in an effort to bolster recovery efforts in the wake of last week’s Christchurch earthquake.

  7. Connie D. said

    Thousands leave Christchurch after quakes

    By Tamara McLean in Christchurch – From: AAP February 27, 2011 – 12:53PM

    FOR many residents of Christchurch, it was one shake too many.

    Thousands of the city’s 350,000 inhabitants have left in droves, flying, driving, even walking away, with no plans to return any time soon.

    Experts predict the exodus from Tuesday’s killer 6.3-magnitude earthquake will continue in the weeks and months to come.

    With two major jolts in less than six months and more than 5,000 aftershocks in between, people are understandably fed-up with the ground moving beneath their feet.

    On top of that, there is a cruel prediction by some that another big one will come.

    “We can’t live like this, with the constant shaking,” said Australian Gloria Cotton, 84, who has lived in New Zealand’s second largest city since meeting her Kiwi husband there 15 years ago.

    “My heart is here, and I feel so heart-broken at the thought of leaving,” the Gold Coast woman said, bursting into tears, “but how can we stay?”

    “This is no place to live anymore.”

    For Gloria and her husband Len, 83, family were their motivation to leave.

    “We’re getting on. I’ve got a heart condition and we’re on pensions. We don’t have the money to fix anything so we’ve got no choice but to go where my children can help us,” Mrs Cotton said.

    For Aaron Waine, the loss of family helped him decide.

    Mr Waine and his two younger brothers lost their mum Susan Chuter when the (CTV) Canterbury Television building collapsed.

    Standing outside the burning building, he said it would be too painful to remain.

    “We can’t stay here with this constant horrible reminder of what’s happened here and what we’ve lost,” Mr Waine said.

    “It’s too painful. In Aussie or somewhere else we might be able to move on.”

    He acknowledged it would be extremely hard financially. “We’ve bought our first home here and what’s it worth now? Nothing. Who will want to buy it? No-one. So who knows when we’ll be able to go.”

    For others, it was a decision made in fear.

    Irish woman Emily Smith has lived in the city for five years, raising her two girls, aged five months and two years, there. She and her husband said at Christchurch airport that they had a “dark feeling” the February 22 quake wasn’t the last.

    “Inside I can’t shake that feeling,” Ms Smith said. “And when you have tiny kids you feel even more vulnerable. We feel we don’t have a choice.”

    For many AAP spoke to though, the reason for their exodus was purely financial.

    Freelance graphic designer Matthew Bolton said he had to go where the money was “and it’s not here”.

    “I’s simple really,” he said before stepping on a plane bound for Auckland. “The Christchurch CBD is knocked out. No-one is going to be thinking about design work for a long time.”

    The Canterbury Chamber of Commerce fears many businesses will have the same response, relocating en masse to Wellington, Auckland or other New Zealand cities so they can keep going.

    Chief executive Peter Townsend said there were companies with 1000 employees ready to return to work but a lack of basic utilities, an office and, in some cases, demand for their services, was stopping them.

    “One of my biggest fears at the moment is flight,” he told New Zealand’s National Business Review on Friday. “People have had enough and I dont want this beautiful city to be compromised because people leave.”

    Thankfully for Christchurch a great many people feel like Ryan Burcher.

    “I couldn’t leave now,” said the former Sydney man who made the Garden City his home eight years ago.

    “I’m leaving for a break, because it’s unlivable at the moment, but we’ll be back for the long haul.

    “You can’t let nature put you off.”

  8. Peter Parker said

    [What’s your interest in this? Moderator]

  9. clayton said

    Buddha is reported to have said, “He that does evil will have that evil return to him.” He also said, “The human life is as long as one human breath.” Therefore waste no time. He also said, “We should have compassion on others and pray for them.”

    [Unfortunately, the finer points of his teachings go unreported. Moderator]

  10. Angie said

    The NZ government is not some evil regime, we are a democracy. and our govt are just people, citizens, like ourselves […]

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