Fire Earth

Earth is fighting to stay alive. Mass dieoffs, triggered by anthropogenic assault and fallout of planetary defense systems offsetting the impact, could begin anytime!

Archive for July 31st, 2014

Exceptional Drought Grows in California

Posted by feww on July 31, 2014

MAIN SCENARIOS 900, 800, 555, 444, 123, 111, 101, 100, 033, 011, 08, 04, 03, 02

Golden State Turns Dark Brown

Exceptional Drought spreads to 58.41 percent of California, up from 36.49 percent last week, according to the latest data release by the U.S. Drought Monitor.

The entire land area in the Golden State is experiencing ‘Severe’ to Exceptional drought, according to U.S. Drought Monitor.

california drought end july 2014
Source: US Drought Monitor, data released July 31, 2014.

National Drought Summary for July 29, 2014: State of California

Increasingly, drought indicators point to the fact that conditions are not appreciably better in northern California than in central and southern sections of the state. In addition, mounting evidence from reservoir levels, river gauges, ground water observations, and socio-economic impacts warrant a further expansion of exceptional drought (D4) into northern California. For California’s 154 intrastate reservoirs, storage at the end of June stood at 60% of the historical average. Although this is not a record for this time of year—the standard remains 41% of average on June 30, 1977—storage has fallen to 17.3 million acre-feet. As a result, California is short more than one year’s worth of reservoir water, or 11.6 million acre-feet, for this time of year. The historical average warm-season drawdown of California’s 154 reservoirs totals 8.2 million acre-feet, but usage during the first 2 years of the drought, in 2012 and 2013, averaged 11.5 million acre-feet.

Given the 3-year duration of the drought, California’s topsoil moisture (80% very short to short) and subsoil moisture (85%) reserves are nearly depleted. The state’s rangeland and pastures were rated 70% very poor to poor on July 27. USDA reported that “range and non-irrigated pasture conditions continued to deteriorate” and that “supplemental feeding of hay and nutrients continued as range quality declined.” In recent days, new wildfires have collectively charred several thousand acres of vegetation in northern and central California. The destructive Sand fire, north of Plymouth, California—now largely contained—burned more than 4,000 acres and consumed 66 structures, including 19 residences. [ U.S. Drought Monitor]

California experiences record warmest winter and spring

Meanwhile, the most populous U.S. state saw its warmest winter and spring on record this year, with the temperatures rising 2.8ºC (5 degrees Fahrenheit)  above normal during the first six months of 2014,  about 0.6ºC (1 degree F) warmer than the previous record, increasing the threat of water famine, crop disasters and wildfires even further.

FIRE-EARTH 2009 Forecast: Desertification of California in the Near Future Is Almost a Certainty – with the critical phase occurring by as early as 2011.

[NOTE: The above forecast and most of the links posted below have previously been filtered/censored by Google, WordPress and rest of the Internet Mafia. Editor]

California State Resources

California Drought Disasters

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Ebola Outbreak: Public Health Emergency Declared in Sierra Leone

Posted by feww on July 31, 2014

UPDATED August 1, 2014 @ 03:00UTC


Sierra Leone declares public health emergency to curb deadly Ebola outbreak

Death toll from an outbreak of Ebola in West Africa—Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone—has risen to at least 729 since February, including 233  in Sierra Leone, said WHO.

Liberia’s government earlier announced that it was closing down all schools across the country to stop the spread of the deadly virus.

Ebola Fears in Other Countries

“The Philippine Department of Health (DOH) said Thursday that it has put in place precautionary measures to prevent the entry and spread of the Ebola virus disease in the country,”  said a report.

Ebola could be a threat to Britain, said the British Foreign Secretary during an emergency meeting on Wednesday.

“In terms of the UK, the issue is about the possibility of somebody who has contracted the disease in Africa getting sick here.” He told reporters.

The Nigerian government has ordered the temperature screening of all passengers arriving from places at risk from Ebola, while suspending pan-African airline Asky because it brought the first Ebola case to the overcrowded capital Lagos.

Ethiopia and Kenya have begun screening passengers arriving from West Africa.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF)

EHF is a highly contagious virus that spreads via close personal contact and kills up to 90% of the victims.

Five subspecies of Ebolavirus have so far been found. Four of those have caused disease in humans: Ebola virus (Zaire ebolavirus); Sudan virus (Sudan ebolavirus); Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest ebolavirus, formerly Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus); and Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo ebolavirus). The fifth, Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus), has caused disease in nonhuman primates, but not in humans, according to CDC.

  • Symptoms include high fever, bleeding and damage to central nervous system.
  • There are  no known cure or vaccine for the Ebola virus.
  • Incubation period is from two to 21 days.

In Africa, confirmed cases of Ebola HF have previously been reported in the following countries:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • Gabon
  • South Sudan
  • Ivory Coast
  • Uganda
  • Republic of the Congo (ROC)
  • South Africa (imported)

The current outbreak  is the first known occurrence of Ebola HF in Guinea.

“The natural reservoir host of ebolaviruses, and the manner in which transmission of the virus to humans occurs, remain unknown. This makes risk assessment in endemic areas difficult. With the exception of several laboratory contamination cases (one in England and two in Russia), all cases of human illness or death have occurred in Africa; no case has been reported in the United States,” said CDC.

Ebola virions (image 2 colorized 1), diagnostic specimen from the first passage in Vero cells of a specimen from a human patient — this image is from the first isolation and visualization of Ebola virus, 1976. In this case, some of the filamentous virions are fused together, end-to-end, giving the appearance of a “bowl of spaghetti.” Negatively stained virions. Magnification: approximately x40,000.  Micrograph from F. A. Murphy, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas.

12 deadly pathogens could spread into new regions aided by climate change

A report by Wildlife Conservation Society released on October 7, 2008 lists 12 deadly pathogens that could spread globally as a result of climate change. “All have potential impacts to both human and wildlife health as well as global economies.” Report said.

Titled ‘The Deadly Dozen: Wildlife Diseases in the Age of Climate Change,’ the report illustrates examples of diseases that could spread due to temperatures changes and variations in regional precipitation levels.

The “Deadly Dozen” list [ABC order]

  1. Avian influenza
  2. Babesia
  3. Cholera
  4. Ebola
  5. Intestinal and external parasites
  6. Lyme disease
  7. Plague
  8. Red tides
  9. Rift Valley fever
  10. Sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis)
  11. Tuberculosis
  12. Yellow fever


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Deadly Deluge Devastates Romania, Bulgaria

Posted by feww on July 31, 2014

SCENARIOS 444, 111, 070, 023

Deadly Floods Wreak Havoc in East Europe

Extreme Rain Events flooded rivers, breaking their banks in Romania’s districts of Arges, Gorj, Teleorman and Valcea, some 200 kilometers west of the capital Bucharest, forcing scores of people to evacuate.

At least a dozen people were left dead, or reported missing, according to local reports.

“A passenger train derailed in the same area after a small bridge caved in due to flooding, but there were no immediate reports of injuries, the national railway said,” AP reported.

“Seventy Bulgarian villages and parts of the city of Gabrovo were left without electricity and water supply was disrupted as the flooding destroyed some of the water and sewerage infrastructure. The rains also induced landslides and destroyed bridges, and many roads in the region were blocked by mud and debris.”

More areas in southern Romania could be affected in the next few days with torrential rains, local forecasters said.

In June, flash floods deluged neighboring Bulgaria, devastating the Black Sea resort city of Varna, killing more than a dozen people, and forcing scores of others to evacuate.

In May, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia were hit by the most extreme rain events ever recorded in the region, which killed dozens of people and caused billions of dollars in damage.

Related Links, Recent Historic Floods


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Gaza Declared a Disaster Area

Posted by feww on July 31, 2014

SCENARIOS 717, 606, 600, 444, 200, 114, 070, 04, 02

Israeli shelling kills dozens of Palestinians sheltering in a U.N. school, street market

The shelling of a school housing displaced civilians in Jabaliya refugee camp, and a market near Gaza City has killed dozens of people and left hundreds more wounded.

Some 106 people were killed on Wednesday, bringing the death toll to 1,346, with more than 7,000 others wounded. Most of the victims have been civilians, many of them children.

Israeli authorities say 56 soldiers and two civilian volunteers as well as a Thai national have been killed on their side since they resumed the latest round of genocide in Gaza on July 8.

The UN Spokesman Chris Gunness told the BBC that Israel had been told 17 times that the school was housing [more than 3,000] displaced people, saying the attack caused “universal shame.”

Thousands more have been killed or wounded during previous rounds of genocide perpetrated by Israel in 2008 and 2012.

Palestinian President declared the Gaza Strip a disaster area on Wednesday, said news reports quoting the state-run Wafa news agency.

Bolivia Declares Israel a ‘Terrorist State’

Bolivia has declared Israel a terrorist state and withdrawn a visa exemption agreement in protest over the ongoing Israeli military offensive in Gaza, said reports.

Canceling the 1972 visa-waver agreement, which allowed Israelis to travel freely to Bolivia, “means, in other words, we are declaring [Israel] a terrorist state,” announced President Evo Morales.

“Israel is not a guarantor of the principles of respect for life and the elementary precepts of rights that govern the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of our international community,” explained Morales.

“The Bolivian state and people have made a firm decision to terminate the agreement on visas to Israel, from August 17, 1972, signed under a regime of dictatorship in Bolivia and that allowed Israeli citizens to enter Bolivia freely and without entry visas,” said an official communique.

Earlier this month, Morales filed a request with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to prosecute the Jewish state for “crimes against humanity.”

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